About the photographer

Vít Kovalčík

I was born in 1980 and studied computer science on Masaryk University. With gradual advancement in digital photography I have acquired one of the first usable digital SLR (Canon 350D) and later better and better cameras. In 2012 I left the worlds of programming and started a full-time photography career.

I enjoy diversity, so I am not specialized on one topic or style. Therefore in my galleries you can find pictures from the studio, weddings, company events, results from works for tourist guides or details from a chemical labs. Aside from taking photos I also write educational articles for Czech site of the Zoner company (some of them gets translated to English too) and in the autumn semesters I teach courses on Digital photography on Masaryk university.

The studio

Elegant new spaces are waiting for you in Brno, Czech republic. There are various accessories available as well as posibilities to create several different scenes using diverse background and lighting.